How do we get that kind of energy into our businesses, services, products, or customers/users? It's not like we can give them a protein bar and a +Red Bull or sick +terry crews on them.
What if we were able to get a little bit of energy from everyone? What would that look like? I think it would look something like .....
I guess what I'm trying to say is, TURN EVERYONES ENERGY INTO $$$$
Word of mouth is one of the strongest marketing tools anyone can use, but you have to get people talking about your products ***
***When I say products this covers whatever you hope to get across to people, it could be an actual product, or service or simply a message, it completely depends on what you're trying to promote. These lessons can be applied to a one man operation running a blog or the CMO (chief marketing officer) of a large corporation. ***
When people hear reviews good or bad they have a much higher tendency to follow them. Just think about it for a minute, when was the last time you made a big purchase like a car, computer, camera, or trip. How many reviews did you read? I'm going to go out on a limb (that is backed by research), and say you probably read a few investing roughly 4-6 hours total (not in one sitting). Throughout all of your research how many of you valued the reviews? That's what I thought, EVERYONE (I can feel everyones hands in the air). The key is getting our customers/users to contribute to the word of mouth / review process. By tapping into a little energy from everyone, a lot of energy will be put into your business or services.
This is considerably easier when you start with a good product (I have to say that even though I know everyone reading this has the highest quality products, posts, or content out there), because people want to tell there friends and family about the awesomeness you just provided.
Three ways you can capitalize on peoples willingness to share are:
1. Provide ways for customers to give ratings and reviews - If a customer just bought a jacket I was selling, and loved it, it would be a missed opportunity to not give him or her a chance to share their experience with others. The more people read good reviews and see high ratings, the more they're likely to entertain the idea of your product. From a social media perspective, the posts that catch your eye are the ones that people are sharing, liking, plussing, and retweeting.
2. Create a Community - There is a lot of information on the internet (SURPRISE), and people have very similar interests, Creating Communities are one of the best ways to bring people together that have common interests. If you can get communities forming around your product*** think of the traction you can gain with spreading the WORD (word of mouth) about your products or services.
3. Participate - Regardless of your industry, or topics, participation is MANDATORY!!! If you're not willing to contribute to YOUR cause no one else will do it for you. If you're the glue holding the community together things can fall apart really quick if you're not willing to work at it. Remember the AFOL's, if Lego had let that group go they would be passing up $50 million in sales.
Getting customers/users involved can give you the shot of adrenaline you're services need, just remember who you're targeting (we're aiming for the top of the ladder). In case you missed this extremely important post, here's a snip it of who's on-line and who we want to target.
We want the CREATORS on our side (even if we are one).
Before you jump in, a few areas must be looked at.
1. Know what you want and what you have - Creating energy around your products or services isn't always a mandatory thing. If you're selling commercial toothpicks it may be tough to generate a lot of buzz around the product, make sure you're putting your efforts in areas that will pay off. You may not target the product but a community based around dental hygiene may show promising results.
2. Check the social technographics of your customers/users - The reality is that the younger your customers are the easier it'll be to target them as they are much more comfortable on-line. This simply means that the creators that serve an older demographic become much more important to your process.
3. Determine what your customers/users need - The old adage, "if it ain't broke don't fix it" may ring true. Don't overstep your bounds, it is important to do all that you can, but it is possible to cross lines causing more issues than were there to begin with.
4. Make sure your strategy serves its purpose - The POST process is what will keep you on track. Having very clear goals and targets will keep efforts aligned. Following a plan will keep you from chasing your tail and getting no where.
5. Don't start unless you can stay with it - Putting effort and energy into building communities, providing service, addressing concerns, and promoting your products*** will all be for nothing and could possibly leave an animosity towards you if you just drop it once you've gained peoples trust and support.
It's amazing how much power word of mouth provides for businesses and people. Wether it's shown in the form of ratings, reviews, likes, shares, tweets, or plusses, people value what other people have to say. Harness that power and make sure it's working for you.
ANY comments, followers or shares are ALWAYS welcomed.
Cause it's not as easy as just giving your brand a +Red Bull.
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